The House of Facial Plastic Surgery (E-book)





Ironically, many of the final edits to this commentary were made on July 4th, 2014—Independence Day. I had just completed watching the TV series “John Adams: Don’t Tread on Me.” The inspiring docudrama chronicles the birth of the United States of America and the unrelenting efforts of a man who steered a divided Congress to declare its independence from Great Britain.

There were times in the script when the words “Facial Plastic Surgery” could have been substituted for the “original thirteen colonies” and “Big Brother Otolaryngology” for “the British Monarchy.” Similarities in the storylines are undeniable. Both represent the age-old struggle between independence and bondage—centralization and separation of powers.

The treatise you are about to read brings that struggle home—to the HOUSE OF FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY. It is respectfully dedicated to the founding fathers of an independent specialty and all whose efforts have since been responsible for the state of honor and respectability to which Facial Plastic Surgery has risen … against formidable opposition.

I wish to express my gratitude to all who reviewed this manuscript prior to publication, especially those who weighed in on various portions of its content, particularly Drs. Robert Simons, Mark Connelly, Devinder Mangat, Fred Fedok, Russell Kridel, Bill Silver and (on the FPSFEC/ABFPRS relationship) Mr. Thomas Rhodes.


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